Big Joe
Bronx, NY
Male, 31
I work in NYC for the USPS. I drive a 2 ton box truck and deliver packages that are too large for the regular letter carrier to take. I've been on my assignment for 5 years and a postal worker for almost 10. I spend most of my day running up and down stairs with heavy packages. I have to be on constant alert for dogs. Especially in apartment buildings with narrow hallways. I have lots of great customers and I love my job. All of my opinions are my own and I DO NOT speak for my employer.
That has never happened to me personally. I've had to deliver parcels that were crushed, and some that had spoiled food inside (Which really makes the truck smell awesome btw), but I've been pretty lucky as far as damaged goods are concerned. Hypothetically speaking? If I was in that situation, I suppose it would depend on the circumstances. If I dropped it and something broke, I'd most likely inform my supervisor about it and take whatever course of action he/she instructed. But if it was already broken when it arrived at my station, I'd probably just deliver it and inform the recipient about the issue the best I could, if possible. Thanks for your question Brix.
I'm actually unsure about that. Whenever we get parcels like that, they go to a place where they deal with those kinds of things. I never really thought about it. I'll see if I can find out more.
GOOD QUESTION! A few years ago, I slipped on some ice as I was walking out of a Dunkin Donuts store. I didn't hit the ground, but I twisted the muscle along my ribs. It hurt pretty bad and I was out of work for 45 days which is standard protocol for an on the job injury. After that, I wore a back brace that a co-worker gave me when I made my return to work. That was the only time I can think of. The postal service gives us a uniform allowance every year to buy the things we need to do our job. As far as insurance goes, there isn't any that I'm aware of.
Good question. I get this all the time. Once I'm out and delivering stuff, It's like going to the gym. I've gotten into the habit of taking steps 2-3 at a time. I also try not to eat heavily during the day because it slows me down drastically. Occasionally, I'll get a 200 pound exercise bike to deliver, but it's mostly standard size packages. I've always been a big dude and when I had the choice between walking and delivering letters, or driving and delivering parcels...I took this. I still work out whenever possible at home and I'm on a vitamin regimen to stay healthy. I drink tons of water and avoid sugar whenever possible. Some days are better than others though. I definitely think that it keeps me fit and strong. It's gotten to the point now that when I work out, the machine gets stronger ;)
Cruise Ship Officer
I think it seems that way because of email. People used to mail letters and other things on a regular basis. Now it's all electronic. Those other companies don't have the expenses that the USPS does as far as dealing with mail is concerned. If they did, I'm sure they'd be in the same boat. All I know is that I have a truck full of work on a daily basis, and I'm thankful for it.
Once or twice probably wouldn't spark disciplinary action against a carrier, but if a pattern emerges they most likely would launch an investigation to find out exactly what's happening. If you scroll up a bit, you can read the answer I wrote to Nick from Red Hook. It's along the same lines as this. I don't leave parcels by people's doors. It's too iffy. Anything can happen to it, and if something does happen...I'm gonna get called into the office the next morning to be chewed out, which I don't want. Thanks for the question :)
Hahaha I gotta answer no on that one. I sometimes get trapped in my truck with bad odors all day (rotting fruit, salted fish, etc.) But never that. I've seen on tv that they use coffee to cover the smell, but I don't think it would work. Somebody would probably catch it at some point and tell a supervisor about it. I know I would. Sorry if I killed your hopes lol.
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