I'm Michael Kosta, stand-up comedian (yes, that's what I write on my tax returns). I've performed on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Conan, and Comedy Central, and I tour all over North America and Australia. Ask me anything about life as a stand-up.
When you tell people that you want to be a comedian they think its really cool. Then when you tell them that you are a coemdian, especially before you've had any "success" they kind of look at you like you are sick or dying. People don't know what to think, its just not NORMAL. My family has always been supportive of me from day one (my sister was at my first show ever and fake laughed her way all the way through it). I think my parents were a little more skeptical that it could actually be a "career". When I had my first TV appearance, Comedy Centrals "Live at Gotham" I invited my parents out. My mom saw all the TV stuff, the lights, whatever, and I think it made her realize that it was a cool thing and that I wasn't leaving it anytime soon. Your question would have different answers from different comedians. I know some who's parents are doctors and what not and they really tried hard to get their son/daughter out of show business. It never works.
Oh man, how much time do you have? - Beer to the face in Champaign, Il? - Drunk guy trying to punch me on stage in Baton Rouge? - Bar manager shutting off the mic in Michigan? Bombing is such an inevitable part of comedy that every comic has plenty of those stories. Its never easy, always takes a little bit out of you but as you get more experienced you learn how to handle it, adjust to it and not cry yourself to sleep for 3 weeks in a row afterwards.
Yes. Its the worst. Happened to me more when I was starting, you panic and your body starts sweating and you think "oh my god, they konw that I suck as this". It happens less and less now, and when it does happen you just have to try and relax and regroup. Take a sip of water, or go into the audience for a second and see if you an get some of your material back. Its weird when it happens and I don't like it! Sometimes I'll have a joke that I don't plan on doing that night, but I keep it on the side, kind of like a crutch in case I lose my place or I get heckled and forget what is going on. Other times I literally ask the audience "what the hell was I talking about?" Someone usually yells bacl "your parents" or "Los Angeles" or "Your dick". Then I am back on track!
It defintely helped a lot. I don't think anything was as powerful as the Johnny Carson Tonight Show but after my first Tonight Show, things sped up quite a bit. I started getting paid more and clubs were asking about me. Maybe I had a good set, maybe the right people were watching, maybe I got lucky, I don't know. As a comic, performing on a late night show is such a game changer. It takes you from an open mic working at bars to being seen as a real comic in the eyes of most people. My first Tonight Show was one of my greatest experiences as a comic and something that I'm very proud of.
Bar Mitzvah DJ
Nurse Practitioner
Maybe. More comedians are seen now, and on youtube, maybe it does seem harder to stand out per se. That being said, every joke has been told, every story has been told, everything has been done BEFORE, I guess its just if there is a new take or wrinkle. I yell a lot of stage, so am I the same as Sam Kinnison? Most certainly not. But we both use volume as one of many tools. I think its natural that everyone will draw a comparison, especially at the begining of their career before anyone is famous, well known, etc. And I think most comedians are derivative of those that came before them, just not the same. The same way that an athlete derives from the athletes before them. Thats something that sports commentators talk about a lot, I think its the same for comedy.
I tend to not get that many hecklers because Im pretty high energy and I talk pretty loud up there, that usually gets people to shut up and keeps hecklers quiet. That being said I rarely go one full weekend of shows without someone yelling something. Its usually a drunk guy who yells something dumb like "thats what she said" or a drunk women who yells "Tammy's getting married!". Normally I tell them to shut the fuck up and people laugh and then its over. The crowd wants the comedian to do his/her thing. Hecklers are annoying and take away from the show, 99% of audience members would tell you that... so when it happens, you just have to take a deep breath and remember that everyone is routing for you. A well run comedy club will send security over right away and warn the person and eventually throw them out. The best is when a club throws out a heckler. I fucking LOVE that. Get out, you don't deserve to enjoy comedy. Its more fun when the club does it then when we do it because then we don't look like such assholes.
Wow, you are REALLY trying to get me in trouble huh? When that "incident" happened, I immediately tweeted that the heckler (that was the woman) should have just gotten up and left the comedy club, if she was that offended. People got really pissed at me for tweeting that. Look, it works like this, being on stage is difficult. Its personal and challenging and one is dealing with a lot of emotions and stress. When someone heckles, you feel attacked. So you attack back, thats the way its always been and thats the way it will continue to be. If someone punches me, I am going to punch them. It doesn't matter what the topic is, if is was sarcastic or not. Comedians are allowed to say whatever they want when they are heckled. If you are so offended at the joke, then leave. What makes me laugh the most was that Tosh has been ruffling people's feathers for over 20 years of comedy. Go watch any of his specials. I mean, now that he is rich and famous, people are going to get offended?!? I support any comics right to respond to a heckler any way that they want to, as long as its with words and not fists. NOW, if the heckler throws a real punch, then I support kicking the shit out of them as well. When is Jobstr going to take down my account?
I think thanks to youtube there is even more BAD comedy than ever! That being said, its a great way to showcase one's talents to people that haven't seen it. I really hope live stand up always exists because I think its important. My guess is that it will. I mean, did youtube keep people from going to musical concerts or poetry readings? I hope not. Im so glad I started before youtube was totally crazy because I would have felt pressure to put my stand up online before it was ready. Comics are putting there first, second and third set up online and I always think "don't do that! get better first". One of the most annoying things about the web is when audience members record your set and post online. A good club wont let that happen but it still sometimes does. Putting a comics set online without their permission is reay frustrating. Was that too negative?!?!?!
See above. I also rememeber something I heard Chris Rock say "If ignorance is bliss, whats the opposite?". Comics analyze life. They are very aware and observe a lot. What happens when you see it all for what it is? What happens if you become fully aware? Its kind red pill blue pill theory. I'm not saying comics are jedis or anything but people that truly observe the world, and think to challenge it and question is, often can become frustrated, sad and upset that it is how it is. I know very few religious comics (worked with 2-3 in 12 years of this). Why is that? In my opinion its because comics naturally question things, thats why they are comics. Once you question religion (again, in my opinion) it starts to really fall apart. You can't find as much comfort in it, if any at all. No I am sounding like a sad clown :(
I'm not sure. I know that when I am scheduled to so a show at 1130pm and Dane shows up, pushes me towards the back and does 70 minutes on stage (without a hello, or friendly convo) and then I go up at 1245pm, I don't usually have the nicest things to say about him. Like everything, it has more to do with ones personal experiences with that person, mine have been few and not very positive.
$11,121 $49,00 $112,321 Someone who works part time as a stand up could make $5,000 a year, and Jeff Dunam was the highest paid comedian a few years ago with $35 million. Yes, a guy who talks out of his side of the mouth with puppets made $35 million one year. Completely depends.
I haven't had too much of that but if I find that a comic and i have a joke that is very similar, I like to always chat with him/her about it. Maybe it was random luck that we both wrote the same joke, maybe it wasn't on purpose, maybe it was stolen... but I let them know. Good comics drop the joke immediately (as would I and have) if something is very similar. If I ever caught someone stealing jokes word for word, yes I would confront them and I would make a big deal out of it. Stealing is completely unacceptable. Here's a great read on an Australian "comic" who stole jokes from two established comedians: http://www.laughspin.com/2011/05/26/videos-comedian-steals-jokes-from-comedians-lee-mack-geoff-keith-on-national-tv/
Good question. There are topics that a difficult to tackle for sure, but usually the better the comic the more they can get away with. They have the skills to make it work. I have a friend who describes jokes by "level of difficulty", like a diver in the Olympics. A joke about 9/11 a few weeks after the event would obviously have a massive level of difficulty compared to a joke about getting pulled over by a cop and making fun of the police officer (who doesn't clap or laugh when a comic makes that joke?!) Men talking about rape has a high level of difficulty. I once told a Tsunami joke a few weeks after the big one that killed hundreds of thousands of people and it did not go over well. That was a mistake on my part. But I learned and thats how you get better. My apologies to those people affected.
Any crowd that doesn't know, or didn't know that comedy was going to happen. Sounds obvious but you'd be amazed at how many shows comics do (especially when starting out) where you're at a sports bar during game 7 of the Stanley Cup and its comedy night! Those people are shitty audiences as you'd expect. Texters are the worst because they aren't paying attention and are also distracting others. (see this video of how I handled one texting situation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPtkNuZUBlc). Lastly, and this happens a lot in LA, a crowd filled with agents and talent managers is a nightmare. They don't laugh, they only drink water, and they are always checking their blackberrys (they still have blackberrys). Plus they are wearing suits... arg.
If I write something that I think is too good to be true, too simple and obvious, I may quickly google the idea and see what comes up, but that doesn't happen very often. Very rarely do I write soemthing like that :) I'm not to concerned about my jokes being unique because if you write through your own personality, own point of view, they will be compltely unique and authentic to you. Even if someone gave me and you the same topic, call it "pay phones" we'd both probably write jokes that were very different and the ones that were the same, would be too obvious and not funny, most likely. The best solution is to write about YOURSELF. Just like our 1st grade teacher taught us, we are all special one of a kind snow flakes, so take advantage of that. Oh also, if you are performing a joke and 2 or 3 comedians come up to you and say "Yo, that joke is a lot like so and so's" joke... well then, you drop it. That's the deal.
I defintely love what I do. Making people laugh is so fun and its a great feeling to see someone's face go from normal to laughing. I think I'll be happy as long as I am doing that, or trying to do that. Stand up is defintely one way to acheive that. The road is long and hard and can be a grind. I will always go on the road because I love to travel and meet new people and perform for new audiences, but I would like to have my own tv show or host a late night type talk show. Hosting is something I have always liked more than acting but I'll take whatever they will give me. You got any good leads?!?!
Did I rip him? Oh well that's not good. I like to be positive. I believe what I said was "Jeff Dunam was the highest paid comedian a few years ago with $35 million. Yes, a guy who talks out of his side of the mouth with puppets made $35 million one year." Maybe there are comics who respect him, I certainly dont love his comedy, but guess what? I'm sure he sleeps just fine at night. Comics like 'pure" stand up comics. I'm not saying its right or wrong but comics like and respect comedians who don't use sound cues, props, gimmicks, etc. That being said, I have used all of those. Its probably because he made $35 million last year.
how many questions are you asking? Is the last sentence a question? Are you drunk?
It can get monotonus doing the same jokes over and over again, but hearing them laugh doesnt. Older jokes are more polished and stronger. Newer jokes can be more fun to perform because they are newer and fresher ideas but often times they are unpredictable and lack polish or strength.
I try to mix it up but if the audience is tough or I feel like the new jokes aren't working I will go back to a bit that I've been doing a while.
As far as your last sentence, I don't know what that means. If you want to do comedy, do it. There is no age requirement. Its not a sport. Just sign up. Or don't. I don't give a shit.
Ha! I hope not! Sometimes I'll run into people who were at my show and I can tell they want me to be funny , or they try to crack a lot of jokes to me, that is so fucking annoying. Lots of times, once I tell someone I am a comedian, they try to tell joke after joke. For whatever reason this happens at a lot of hotel front desks. I have to tell them why I am in town and then they start zinging jokes at me. The people that know me best know that I am not capable or nor do I want to be funny all the time. There is nothing worse than a comedian who is always "on".
Managers get 10%, Agents 10%, lawyers 5% I dont have a publicist but a lot of comics do and they would need to get paid also.
Comics can be bitter. They can be angry people. Lots of times comedy comes from pain and people that experience pain, when they can access it, can be very funny. That being said I know plenty of comics who have lived great lives, had loving families, wives, husbands, etc. The single part probably has to do with traveling the road, partying too much. But there may be more to it, maybe someone who analyzes society and relationships for a living (afterall that is a what comic does) maybe they become disenchanted with it all, maybe they realize its full of shit, I don't know. My advice to you is try and find comics that are positive, optimisitc, excited about the craft. Those comics are more fun to hang with, become friends with and ultimately keep you in the comedy game and liking it. There is also the obvious "Sad Clown" theory. People who make people laugh for a living truly become sad and don't find it funny at all.
My mom took me to see Dennis Miller when I was a kid. I loved him. I still only understand 25% of his vocab but his wit, delivery and arrogance always made me laugh. How cool is my mom for taking her 11 year old son to see him? Other comics that I loved and continue to enjoy their work: Brian Regan (a comics favorite), Don Rickles, Gary Shandling (his first Tonight Show still makes me laugh), Steve Martin, Bill Cosby (seen him twice and loved it). Recently I've been getting more into Bill Hicks as well (there is a great documentary out on him right now). Unlike most of my comic friends, George Carlin never really fired me up that much. Maybe I'm a loser, I don't know.
Hell no! As long as I'm not hacky I'm very comfortable performing for high money :) One thing I do like to check a club or theaters website to see what other comics they are booking. If there is a lot of crap on there, then I don't get as excited to perform or I ask for more $. The clubs that book quality acts, as the ones that are usually the favorites of the comics and vice versa.
Yeah I guess you are right. We do complain a lot about it. Do you ever complain about anything at your job? I can safely say that I have never once complained about being booked or having a booker or comedy club hire me. What I do complain about is the shitty hotel they put me, delayed flights causing you to miss the first show, 5am radio spots, hacky comedians and trying to be vegetarian in Peoria, IL. By far the best part of the job is the 45-50 minutes you are on stage performing. Thats the shit. Thats why we got into it. Like every job, there are other parts that you didn't realize were going to be a part of it. I certainly don't get treated like a A lister when I am on the road but I've experienced it getting better and better each year and I will say that as you become bigger and funnier, the traveling and life on the road gets easier. OK heading to Applebees now.
Hmm I'm not sure. I don't think I look down on comics that do that. I choose to write all my own material but if I were under a lot of pressure to deliver a new hour each year I would certainly hire some poeple to help. I think what you have to realize is that writers HELP but they don't do the work for you. They submit ideas and concepts and help you work it out but ultimately it needs to be delivered the right way and in your own voice. I'll answer more after I hire some writers :)
For me, it is just weekends. But I know some comics that will go on a 6-8 week tour where they are gone every single day. The last couple of years I have gone to Australia for 4 weeks in a row. It can get long, very long. We are not with our bandmates or tour manager. We are by ourselves. And allthough that is nice for some of the time, it definitely can get lonely and boring. Hence why you see a lot of comics rely on drinking and drugs to help pass the time.
Ultimately a comic is in charge or how often he/she gets booked. My agent sends me the gigs and I can decide if I want them or not. That being said, if I keep saying no, my agent may stop working for me. They get paid, when I get paid.
In general, clubs work anywhere from Fri-Sat to Tues-Sunday. The rest of the time you could be home with your family, minus the evenings when you would probably do some spots in your town.
This March I was out of town for 6 days. In April, I will be out of town for 11 days. Not bad really.
You just need stage time anywhere. Clubs, bars, colleges, bridal showers, etc. College circuit can be good but don't put too many limits on where you get stage time. If you are brand new, which it sounds like you are, just go up go up go up, over and over again. Different audiences, different ages, different environments.
I have defintely had some comics help me along the way. Comics are competeitive by nature and we can get easily jealous of one another, which is common in every industry, but in general comics are fun and helpful and generous. Numerous comics have told club bookers that they like my act and that they should book me. Thats a really nice way to help one another. I have done the same for friends of mine that I know are funny, nice and will respect the club and craft. Also, I've had comics recommend me for TV spots or hosting gigs and that is such a nice thing and I try to do the same when I am in position to.
Your going from music to acting? WOw almost as risky as going from professional tennis to stand up comedy! I hate to sound negative but if you are "deciding" if you should do comedy or not, it probably isn't for you. Go with what is burried deep in your heart (cue soft music). Think back to your kindergarden class when the teacher asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up. I remember I said "Pro athlete or comedian". The odds are always against you but if you are really doing what you want to do, and what you are made to do, it doesn't matter if you make it big, little, rich or poor. Hopefully that helps but I guess it doesnt ;(
I think you never feel like "OK I got this" but you do start to have more confidence that you can get yourself out of trouble if something wrong happens. I remember when I was starting I would have all my jokes memorized in an ACRONYM and I would have to go in that exact order... now as I have more experience I am moving things around and adjusting based off of what the crowd likes, or how I am feeling, etc. my experience with comedy is once you get cocky and think you have it figured out, you bomb your ass off and it bring s right back to "Man, do I have a lot to learn still".
OMG I wish they would! I work probably 25 clubs a year and I would say only 3-4 drop the checks after the show. I'm not a restaurant manager or club owner (maybe there is one on Jobstr you could ask!), I'm just a comedian so maybe its more complicted that I realize but when I am performing and they drop the tab, I see everyone's face go to the check, chat about it, pay, talk about the tip, how much they owe everyone, blah blah blah, meanwhile I've been doing comedy for 15 minutes and no one has heard a word! Normally I take a drink and chill out and talk to ppl because it can be very distracting.
Comis groupies are waaaay different than music groupies. I have had very little and the ones that I have had, you wouldn't want to sleep with. Partying after a show is fun, common and usually a great way to unwind. But to be honest it usually happens with the club workers, waitresses, other comics. Groupies tend to be annoying and expect you to make them laugh all night which I always think "I already did this, now I want a break"
I want the show to kick ass, from start to finish. The better the show from the MC to Feature to Headliner the better the crowd pays attention, and is more likely to come back again and support the comics. When I have a shitty opener or a hacky opener I find that the crowd respects the show less, respects me less and the club. If all the comics are kicking ass, the show is awesome and actually makes my job easier as headliner. The only real problem is when the feature act (the act before the headliner) has a very similar style to me. That can get complicated. Im a cocky, tall white guy who yells a lot on stage. If the opener is the same, the show gets old fast. The good clubs pay attention to who they are booking and make sure that doesn't happen.
All the time. Comedians get booked for corporate, private events, colleges, fundraisers, all that shit. Agents that book the clubs also book the private stuff, some agents specialize in just private stuff.
Corporate gigs are the most profitable but you have to be the cleanest (in general) and wear a tie at some of them which makes me vomit.
Everything depends on everything. TV credits, draw, number of shows, number of nights, holiday vs weeknight, etc. All of that stuff is determined by negotiating contracts with agents and buyers. In general if you are headlining a comedy club, you can get paid any where from $500 for the weekend to as much as $20,000 depending on ticket sales, etc. Its really that broad. If you are asking me what I get paid, I'm not going to tell you that:) 2) I don't know about theaters because I don't play them but the general rule of thumb is that the more seats, the more money. 3) Vegas is not as profitable as you would think. Comics actually kind of cant stand playing Vegas. The crowds suck (they just lost all their money), the week is long and the showroom doesn't really give a fuck about comedy, they just want to offer a distraction to people before they start gambling again. Last time I played Vegas I got to eat with the casino employees, that was a blast! Eating chicken wings with blackjack dealers!
First time on stage was pretty amazing. Not the actual jokes of course, or the venue, or anything other than the opportunity to perform. Like most people who first do stand up, I had been thinking about doing it for a very long time (maybe 15 years), but never had the balls, or the knowledge of how to do it. Somedays I still feel like I don't have the knowledge to do it but back when you start you are really lost. Once I got off stage I remember thinking "Well that's it, thats what I want to do with my life" after that everything just kind of made sense. Being called a class clown in first grade and writing jokes for a radio station in college and having people say to me at parties "you're funny" all that just kind of clicked after I realized how much I loved performing. So to answer your question, yes i was hooked. Now my very first joke, being called "Crotch Karate" that's a whole new question.
Oh we are getting personal now!?!?!? First it was "How much do you get paid" and now its "what kind of boyfriend are you?" Whats next "Why did you abort that baby in high school?" Touring can be very fun with all types of distractions but as you do it more and more it becomes less and less "party" time. Netflix streaming has killed many a late night parties on the road. Now how is your relationship?
I would argue shit-stew but maybe thats because I don't have that many followers (at this point 5700). I don't want to so sound bitter but twitter has made EVERYONE a comedian and I find it annoying. Or even worse, it has made really mediocre comedians, who buy followers, or who somehow buddy up with the right people and get a lot of followers, appear to be great comedians. Time after time there are examples of comedians who bookers, club owners and TV bookers think are funny because their twitter is funny and then they bomb or can not deliver or perform a stand up joke. I use twitter and I follow my favorite comedians and for the most part I like what they have to say (Its a compliment to their act) but be very careful going to see someone's live show just because their twitter is popular.
Not yet! But every single comedian I know has had checks bounce, not gotten paid, etc. Its normally not the comedy clubs, its normally the one nighter bar gigs where you can get screwed. The older trick in the book is when you show up, they start throwing drinks and food at you and then when the show is over they present you with a $85 tab. That's happened to me a few times and that sucks. I have an agent and a lawyer now so everything is contracted and signed and all that jazz, so that eliminates a lot of that nonsense but earlier in the game before all that, club owners do try and stiff you. Sometimes I still get the "our hotel changed last minute" and they end up putting me in some shit hole and then I have to act like a diva and change hotels, that sucks and makes me feel like an asshole but if they would have put me up where they said they were going to, wouldn't have been a problem! Man do I sound like a douche.
Lately I've been keeping notes on stage because I have a set of new jokes that I want to make sure i don't forget to do, but thats just a napin with words written on it. Something like "Girls bday, friend divorce, apple cider, yoga". I know for me that for a long 45 minute to an hour set, I have it pretty figured out. I know the order that I like to start and finish with and mostly will do the same order in the middle but I also like to adjust order depending on certain reactions from the audience. May move a lower energy bit later in the set if they are reacting differently than I expected. Think of a comics set as a "play". Actors in a play don't carry their notes with them because they know their lines. Even though we have no strict order, I know the lines of my personal play and I get to perform them anyway I want. Hopefully that way is funny.
Shit, I have no idea... any good ideas?
This is certainly one of the harder questions to answer. I follow the method of "just start writing". Just start typing, or writing and see what happens. In LA, it can be challenging because we are less likely than people in NYC to interact with people. Sometimes I'll hop on the bus or go to a busy coffee shop just to be around people. That always seems to help. Another great method is to go back to old stuff you have written and rewrite it. Usually there was something there in the first place, and maybe since the time as passed, you've become a stronger writer and can make it even funnier.
I think ultimately the question is "Are you funny?" Looks can either help or hurt ones evaluation of your performace. In my case, I think I have both benefitted and been at a disadvantage because of my looks. My guess is all comics would feel the same about their "look". Some buyers like me because I look clean cut and "Midwestern" and that is what they want for their brand or network, etc. Others think its impossible to be funny if you aren't frumpy and nerdy, or overweight, etc. We all judge someone the moment they walk on stage. Its just part of the deal. I think the best comics use their physciall look to help their act, kind of like another tool in the tool box. I know some female comics that are pretty, try to dress that down because they don't want the other women in the crowd to get jealous or immediately hate them. That sucks that they have to do that, but its also smart. I work out 4-5 times a week but not because of comedy, because I enjoy it, feel healthier and look better when I look at myself in the mirror while fucking.
Hmm I don't know. I don't seem to remember most of them. They just kind of happen. I seem to recall a woman in STL got really mad at me and stood up and starting preaching about Jesus and think I told her to shut the fuck up and made security push her out the exit. That was kind of fun.
Tough question to answer. Carlos is definitely not a comics comic but I'm sure he sleeps just fine at night. Dave Attell has made a pretty good living doing comedy as well. I can say that its nice when other comics appreciate and enjoy your comedy, I always take pride in that, if I see a bunch of comics watching me. But that being said, it doesn't help me get booked or make more money, it probably only get me on their shitty podcast or something.
I think one just has to write the jokes that they think are funny and let the label that others give you just come on its own. Lame answer?
I am not and I don't know anyone else that is. I know that before you do a special, you will sign a deal with a TV network or label. I only have a small experience with Comedy Central on that. I'm shopping around an hour special now and we are looking for networks or labels that would want it- but even if they did it would only be a one special deal. Once the taping is over, we could move on to another buyer down the road.
It just depends. Jay Leno has been doing the same stand up set for 25 years. Jerry Seinfeld has been doing the same jokes for years as well. Louis CK has been doing a new hour every year for the past five years. There are arguments for both sides. Jokes that are done for years at a time, become very polished, very strong, yet can feel lame to the performer and any audience member that has seen them before. Brand new jokes can not be as polished, maybe lack a few more tag or punchlines.
Asking me how much material does one have to have to be a comic is like asking a musician how much music you have to have. I don't really know what that means. Do you want to headline comedy clubs? Then it works like this: MC does 10-12 minutes, Feautre act does 20-30 minutes, Headliner does 45-60 minutes. how often you change the routine is up to you.
Hmmm, I think it would be very challenging for any comedian if they had to censor their act based off of their spouses/GFs reactions... hopefuly the significant other knows what he/she is getting into. I have in the past but looking back I shouldn't have. We have to use our every bit of material that we can.
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