Police Officer

Police Officer


10 Years Experience

Around the Way, FL

Male, 40

Cheating death and fighting communism: that is how a fellow officer once described our job. It was meant to be funny, but as time went on it seemed all too true.

I spent more than ten years in law enforcement, all of it on the street in uniform patrol. I've been a patrol officer, instructor, sergeant and lieutenant.

Do not report crimes here. Nothing here should be considered legal advice. All opinions are my own.

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615 Questions


Last Answer on October 29, 2014

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If something requiring a lot of officer-to-officer communication happens, will officers involved switch to another channel than what officers who are not involved are using?

Asked by Asd about 11 years ago

Yes, that frequently happens.

When a police officer takes a civil service test to be promoted, does it take passing the test AND an appointment to the new rank, or is the test hard enough for anyone who passes it to reach a new rank?

Asked by Eagle almost 11 years ago

No idea - I didn't work at one of those departments.

I would sincerely hope that people were not promoted based on a test score, but when you mix government and unions and there is rarely any room for common sense.  

Promotion should be based on ability.  Most tests are only analyzing a person's ability to memorize a set of facts.

Have you ever heard of a person successfully winning a false arrest lawsuit?

Asked by JOHN about 11 years ago


What are some reasons to not go into law enforcement?

Asked by Emily almost 11 years ago

Getting shot.  Getting stabbed.  Getting broken bones.  Getting killed in an accident.  Being strangled.  Acquiring incurable diseases.  Dealing with rotting bodies.  Telling people that their loved one has been killed.  Horrible hours.  Working weekends.  Working holidays.  Dealing with defense attorneys and other scum.  Low wages.  Poor opportunity for advancement.  Getting sued.  Being rained on.  Being snowed on.  Working in a hurricane while all sane people have long since fled.  Wrestling drunks in the mud.  Dealing with unrealistic expecations of the public.  Dealing with the unrealistic expectations of pencil pushers in city hall.  Stress and related health problems.  Chronic back problems from wearing a duty belt.  Not being able to have normal relationships with non-cops.  Hyper vigilance.  Not being around for your family.  Did I mention rotting bodies?  Polyester uniforms.  People throwing feces and urine on you.  Being spit on.  Fighting for your life as a regular job function.  Dealing with other people's children.  Going to the funerals of your friends.  

<sarcasm>Oh, but the paycheck makes it all worthwhile.</sarcasm>

i want to go back to my country. i come from kenya in africa. i want to go back but my mom doesnt have enough money

Asked by wema over 10 years ago

Ok. I hope you are not looking for someone to hand you a wad of money because you want something. That's not how life works.

I have just recently found out that a man that moved in to our neighborhood over a year ago is a convicted sex offender. Is it required for the police department to inform us somehow?

Asked by Concerned Dad almost 11 years ago

Probably not.  Laws vary from state to state, but law enforcement has no duty to protect you.  Law enforcement has a duty to provide general protection to a community, but not to individuals.  Most (all?) states provide a sex offender database online that you can access to check things for yourself.  For example, this is the one in Florida:  https://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/

When applying to be a police officer you are asked if you had been involved in any criminal activity, if i answer honestly even though I have a clean record could it legally be used to obtain a search warrant or for a criminal investigation?

Asked by MICHEAL about 11 years ago

Depends on the circumstances.  However, I'm not sure that you are describing the ideal police candidate anyway...