Police Officer

Police Officer


10 Years Experience

Around the Way, FL

Male, 40

Cheating death and fighting communism: that is how a fellow officer once described our job. It was meant to be funny, but as time went on it seemed all too true.

I spent more than ten years in law enforcement, all of it on the street in uniform patrol. I've been a patrol officer, instructor, sergeant and lieutenant.

Do not report crimes here. Nothing here should be considered legal advice. All opinions are my own.

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615 Questions


Last Answer on October 29, 2014

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What's the most split-second decision you ever had to make?

Asked by Barry about 11 years ago

Whether or not to shoot someone. It has happened many times. One time in particular, my partner and I ran on a home invasion call. A woman called at about 1 am saying a man way trying to kick down her front door. When I arrived, I saw the man trying to force entry on the residence. Pointing my Glock at him, I ordered him to stop and put his hands in the air. Instead, he looked at me and jammed a hand into his pocket, which is a move consistant with going for a weapon. Considering that he appeared to be committing a felony, I was in uniform and he had obviously seen me, he refused to obey my lawful order, and was making a move consistant with drawing a weapon, it was definitely a situation when deadly force could be reasonably applied. For those who know the Glock pistol, you know there isn't much slack in that trigger. However, I definitely recall taking up the slack on the trigger while screaming at him to stop. Just prior to discharging the firearm, he stopped moving and got an "Oh, crap" look on his face. He stopped, and ater a few tense moments, my partner and I were able to get him into custody. As it turns out, he was just an angry drunk trying to get into a residence that he thought was his own. I never knew what he was thinking when he looked at me and then made a move like he was going for a gun. If he was trying to bluff me into thinking he had a gun, he succeeded and almost paid for it with his life. Incidents like this are all too common in police work.

If you pulled someone over for drunk driving, but he only doing so because he was rushing someone to the hospital, would he still get arrested?

Asked by Tripp over 11 years ago

Driving drunk to get someone to the hospital is a pretty ignorant move. You should just call 911 and have paramedics respond to you. By driving while intoxicated not only are you putting the injured party at greater risk, but also putting a lot of other people in danger.

Hello Im 17 an finishing high school in 2014 well I'm going off to college in about a year and u want to know what to major or minor in.
Ps I want to be a DEA

Asked by Jose about 11 years ago

I don't know what the DEA might be looking for, but I'd suggest a business degree or something else that has practical applications.  Criminology degrees are useless.

You might want to talk with a DEA recruiter to see what they are looking for in an applicant.

Personally, I'd suggest 4+ years of military service, then college, then DEA.  You will be a much better candidate for the position.  

i hav the rite to ask what im being pulled over for

Asked by jo about 11 years ago

If you are asking "Can I ask the officer why he pulled me over," the answer is yes.  Most folks probably have a pretty good idea when they see the red/blue lights.

My neighbor is a police officer in anoather town. While off duty, he came to our front porch, rang the door bell, & began yelling at my husband on the porch. My husband diffused the situation, but, I was very frightened. Do we have any recourse?

Asked by dolly1925 almost 11 years ago

If your neighbor was acting in some type of official capacity (Was he in uniform? Was he threatening some type of official action? etc), and you believe he acted in an unprofessional manner you can call his department and speak to his supervisor or professional standards unit.

If your neighbor was not acting in any kind of official capacity, and instead just happens to be a cop, then it doesn't sound like his job doesn't have anything to do with the dispute.  Neighbors sometimes don't get along and this might be one of those cases.

As with anyone, you can always ask your neighbor to leave if you don't want them on your property.  If they refuse, call the local department for assistance.

Keep in mind that nothing can make someone be nice to you.

What weapons police officers carry at all times?

Asked by FPS about 11 years ago

Typically, at least one handgun and two or more intermediate weapons such as oleoresin capsicum (pepper spray), impact weapon (expandable baton, PR-24, etc.), and/or electronic control device (Taser or similar).

When there's NO formal plea bargain in place, will a judge typically take a suspect's cooperation into account when deciding sentencing?

Asked by darrynscholes over 11 years ago

Generally speaking, yes. Judges have a lot of discretion when handing down sentences, and many factors come into play. The cooperation of the defendant can result in a less-harsh punishment.