Spanish Teacher

Spanish Teacher


Philadelphia, PA

Female, 29

¡Hola! I am a Spanish and French teacher in a Philadelphia magnet school. Additionally, I run a wine and Spanish business called Sangria Sessions as well as a kids class called Arriba Philadelphia. Basically, I teach Spanish to anyone from age 7 to 77! Curious about rowdy students? Perhaps you want to know my thoughts on unions... Do you think you can actually learn a second language as an adult? Ask away!

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30 Questions


Last Answer on May 17, 2012

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Are the Rosetta Stone programs effective?

Asked by elguap1 almost 13 years ago

You give what you get with the Rosetta Stone programs.... Just like with anything, if you are diligent with it, you will see the benefits of Rosetta Stone. I think it's a great acquisition program but needs to be supplemented with authentic language conversations. I would recommend finding someone to help just have a conversation with you in addition to RS. There are meetup groups everywhere, and you have the $, you can usually find a language teacher to meet and converse/tutor with you.

Do you speak any other foreign languages? Is it something that comes easier to you than other people?

Asked by JamiesMomma83 almost 13 years ago

I speak Spanish, French and a little Italian. I definitely think that some people have a knack for languages, but don't think that it is impossible for someone without a language propensity to acquire a second language.

How many weeks of instruction would you say an adult of average intelligence would need to get by in a Spanish-speaking country?

Asked by Solomon almost 13 years ago

I think this depends largely on how you define 'getting by'. If you just want to order beers and go to the bathroom, one or two lessons and some independent practice will do. If you want to be able to bargain in a local shop or get directions to a restaurant in a different neighborhood you will need several more lessons. It's also important to find an instructor who suits your needs. Many of my adult students were frustrated by previous instructors in beginner level classes because they were learning completely superfluous, non relevant information. (ie. the book is blue. the pen is red). Be sure to express your goals to your teacher and make sure that your teacher will cover the information you want before signing up for a class. My classes, for example, focus on conversations that you are likely to have in real life. We spend 80% of the time talking. This may not be suitable for someone who wants to get better at the imperfect tense, but would be great for someone who wants to spend a few weeks in Spain.

Are you one of those foreign language teachers that ONLY allows Spanish to be spoken in the classroom?

Asked by JoseCanYouSee almost 13 years ago

Ha.... no. I believe that stress levels should be low when learning a new language, so I will talk in English to explain things when needed. I certainly do have Spanish only times, but use gestures and context clues to ensure that everyone understands.

Do you think schools should be teaching foreign languages to kids at earlier ages than they do now? (Speaking of which, when DO they start teaching it now?)

Asked by simone almost 13 years ago

I firmly believe that children should be exposed to a foreign language as soon as possible. Currently, many public schools don't even offer second language education until middle or high school. Students who begin second language acquisition as early as possible have a significant advantage in achieving fluency.

Is there an approximate age where someone's kind of "over the hill" in terms of picking up a new language? I've heard that to really, really absorb a new language, it should be introduced during childhood.

Asked by Myra almost 13 years ago

Research shows that after the age of 13, it is very difficult to achieve fluency in a second language. While this may be true, I do think it is possible for adults to learn a second language. This depends largely on innate ability to pick up a new language as well as discipline to continue studying. I know plenty of people who have become proficient later on in life. To do this, I suggest reading easy books in your target language. (ie Harry Potter in Spanish). I also suggest watching movies in target language with English subtitles.

What do you think of teaches unions?

Asked by Kkssk about 5 years ago


Why is Nostros needed in a sentence when the verb tells me it is plural.... example 'we are students' my lesson says "Nosotros somos estudiantes"... why not just "Somos estudiantes"

Asked by Dale about 8 years ago


One more example of why the need for a pronoun... I buy a chair... lesson shows Yo compro un silla, but "compro una silla" tells me the same thing... Gracias mi linda dama

Asked by dacfile about 8 years ago


Hola, puedes ayudarme con este ejercicio:
5. Analice el uso del determinativo artículo y del pronombre personal en (...) y la falta de acceso al agua potable (...) la formación técnica que les permite adaptarse mejor a los efectos de la degradación del medio ambiente (...)

Asked by Silje over 8 years ago


If I am trying to say "My Father says that my mother and I think too much" would I say A mi padre le gusta decir mi madre y yo 'piensan demasiado' ”.

Asked by A.SPENCE almost 7 years ago


I need help with ser estar and tener expressions for a Spanish project

Asked by MiKayla Williams over 9 years ago


I need help with estar ser and tener expressions for a Spanish project

Asked by MiKayla Williams over 9 years ago


What is the differences between preterite continuous and imperfect continuous.
I did not see anywhere . Please help me

Asked by over 6 years ago


Hi, I am a girl from Norway who have a Spanish presentation bought my family.I don't know if it is right so i wonder if you can check it? Thank you.

Asked by Katri about 10 years ago


part 1
hola, mi nombre es Katrin. Hoy hablo de mi familia. Así que vamos a empezar con mi padre murió cuando yo tenía tres años. No recuerdo nada de él. Sólo sabía cómo lo miraba las fotos que he visto.

Asked by Katri about 10 years ago


PArt 2
Sé que sus padres son DOE y si los hermanos no creo que él tiene. así que me quedo más para el lado de mi madre. Mi mamá llamó Diana y procedentes de Bulgaria. Ella tiene 40 años, Blandt cabello y ojos marrones

Asked by Katri about 10 years ago


"Me he entrevistado a mí mismo." Apparently 'Me' is a grammatical error and mí is an ortographical error. My family is Spanish and nobody knows what is wrong with that sentence. Could you help?

Asked by Frey over 8 years ago


Why is it the phrase "He almost lost his job" for example, translated to "Casi pierde su trabajo" and not "Casi perdió su trabajo?" As in the past-tense?

Asked by Ronan over 4 years ago


what are teachers using to evaluate student's listening comprehension skills?

Asked by jon almost 10 years ago


Regresenme a 1ro de secudaria, cuando era feliz y no lo sabia

Curious, want to know what this means in english

Asked by Harry almost 9 years ago


Do you think it's fair that native speakers of say, Spanish, are allowed to take the AP Spanish and SAT II Spanish tests, where they're pretty much guaranteed perfect scores (and mess up the curve for non-native speakers?)

Asked by Eugenie almost 13 years ago


What does the synbol ¿
mean when used in spainish

Asked by Gary Johnson over 4 years ago


How long would it take someone to go from zero knowledge of Spanish to (a) ability to communicate reasonably well, and (b) near-native fluency, assuming full-time study?

Asked by elo almost 13 years ago


Are foreign language teachers in high demand right now?

Asked by Jolene almost 13 years ago


Assuming English was your first language, are you at a point where your proficiency in Spanish or French is SO good that you sometimes actually THINK or DREAM in either of those foreign languages?

Asked by zzz almost 13 years ago


What level of study/credentials is required to allow someone to teach a foreign language?

Asked by marissa almost 13 years ago


What should I do. Okay the days to opt out of finals was Friday, Monday, and today. So Friday I forgot then Monday and today where snow days. So tomorrow I would assume we have school and finals start tomorrow. So what do I do from here?

Asked by Dan about 5 years ago


Hi. I'm confused on whether I use cargo or embargo. For example do i say "yo me hice cargo de los niños" or "me encarge de los niños"?

Asked by Karyme rivera over 5 years ago


How would you say in Spanish, "A devilish love affair"?

Asked by James Peter Morrissette almost 6 years ago