Film Set Decorator

Film Set Decorator


5 Years Experience

Los Angeles, CA

Female, 30

I am a Los Angeles based decorator and have worked on a range of projects from an Academy Award winning feature to commercials for brands like Bank of America and Kay's Jewellers. An average day on the job involves me visiting high-end stores and prop houses in Los Angeles to photograph and price furniture, lighting fixtures, drapery, and art. I am responsible for running a crew and collaborating creatively with the director, production designer and cinematographer. Ask me anything!

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60 Questions


Last Answer on October 08, 2015

Best Rated

What is gimbaling?

Asked by Everett about 8 years ago


It's a bit random, but where do you get the good quality wooden/canvas personalized cast and crew chairs? I really want to get a professional one before starting Film Production at university!

Asked by Lauren Briggs almost 7 years ago


i wanted to be set decorator can u have any job for me i am from india and i completed my 2 year diploma in interior designing and i am working with an leading architect from last 3 year i wanted to make my future in set designing just because its .

Asked by farhan about 8 years ago


Making a short film, and we would like our hero to be a British comedy fan. Is there a way to shoot an insert of some DVD covers/spines in their collection and have it fall under fair use? Legal question? Thanks in advance for any help or guidance!

Asked by Gilles over 8 years ago


What's the most important part of being a set decorator? Apart from getting the end result perfect.

Asked by Elise over 6 years ago


Do you get to meet the actors and work with them

Asked by jayden over 8 years ago


Ive been doing set dressing for a few months now. Was wondering how one becomes from the set dressers union. What theings have to happen, and how one can be proactive to the goal?

Asked by Ralphy Paz about 7 years ago