Opera Singer

Opera Singer


Los Angeles, CA

Female, 29

I sing beautiful music -- primarily opera -- but I also do concert work, church music, studio/scoring sessions, and whatever other performance opportunities I can get my hands on.

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73 Questions


Last Answer on July 03, 2020

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I am a twenty three year old psychology student and have been a singer my entire life. I wish to be a professional world class, classical singer one day. I was just wondering how I would start. Please advise.

Thank You so much,
Dale G.

Asked by Kingsing over 10 years ago

Hi Dale! Have you been studying privately or at your college with a teacher who is a classical technician? If not, that's the best place to start. NATS.org is a reputable place to start looking for a teacher. But if you have any opera singers in your area whose technique you admire, ask them about their teachers. Opera technique takes a while to develop, but after you and your teacher feel that your technique and performance ability is strong enough, you can start applying for young artist programs and local productions. It also is worth investigating majoring in vocal performance as well. Grad school is where most people's opera careers begin. Good luck!

I'm in highschool; I've studied voice for t think about anything other than singing, playing instruments, and composing. Is this OK? Will it be feasible to get jobs post-grad school in the U.S? Germany?

Asked by Faith R over 9 years ago

Yes, if you're committed to music, you can get jobs all over the world in music. Your talent, skills, knowledge and networking will determine your level of success, of course! Commit yourself to practice, seek out the best teachers, develop your technique and (without knowing anything about your level of talent/technique/etc) if you can compose, work hard on that. It will benefit everything and has the most chance of residual income. If you just want to work, there are a plethora of jobs in the industry: Star, session singer, composer, composer's assistant, engineer, publicity rep, marketing associate, music supervisor...there are so many jobs in music that no one ever thinks about. Read up on the industry, especially the artists and executives that you admire. Find out what their paths were and gain that knowledge and find ways to experience it. Go to college, but if you're going to be a musician, DO NOT GRADUATE unless you've taken a personal or small business finance class. It's a crime that schools don't require that as it's the most important part of making a CAREER out of what your passion is. I wish you all the best!

My vocal damage healed 3 yr be4, but I learned abt HV in Jan '16, but notes above or below are fine. Diction G5+ can be hard, not muddy. I've known how to use HV ~7 mnth & couldn't sing B4 be4. Unusable/crack = found in warmup only or cracky Eb5-G5

Asked by Rachel's asking is it normal for beginner classical singer (t know how to send a message other than through the question thing over 8 years ago

I'd recommend working with a voice teacher. Your diction can improve by some exercises and, that far up the scale, it's more important to focus on a beautiful tone than perfect diction. There are some diction tricks that a teacher can show you up there. And some consonants can really be helpful in producing a great, resonate tone up there. But the crack in your passagio of Eb5-G5 is either that you still have some vocal cord issues or that you just need some help working through that passagio transition. I highly recommend inquiring in your town about teachers who are known for their technical abilities. Maybe call colleges that have strong music departments near to you. And if the teacher thinks it's best to go back to an ENT or if the issue persists, definitely get checked out again.

Is there a medicine that I can take to make my voice sound like an opera singer I am a choir singer at my church and have been since I was a little girl?

Asked by Jeanni Cox over 9 years ago

No. Vocal training is the only way to build your voice as an opera singer, or in any style of singing.

How long did it take you deveop 1) Vibrato on all notes 2) Strong head voice?

Asked by Alice over 9 years ago

I've always had a natural vibrato, even as a little kid. However, it took me several years of great technical training to have a healthy, strong and even vibrato throughout my range. And there are still times when I have to work on particular passages to even things out as I move from one area of my voice to the other. Same goes with head voice. I think rather than focusing on the amount of time it takes to achieve anything artistic and technical, you should focus on the quality of work that you're doing. If you get a great, healthy technique that has you really locked in for just 2 notes, then apply it to the 3rd and work on that. I've honestly had voice lessons where I work on 2 measures of music. Quality work will always improve you to proceed with the next step.

I'm in 11th grade. I've studied voice less than 2 years. I can't think about anything other than singing, playing instruments, and composing. Am I a failure? Am I OK? Will it be feasible to get jobs post-college school in the U.S? Germany?

Asked by Faith R! Sorry! My question got murdered! over 9 years ago

Hi again! I'll repost just in case you didn't see the previous response to your chopped up question! Yes, if you're committed to music, you can get jobs all over the world in music. Your talent, skills, knowledge and networking will determine your level of success, of course! Commit yourself to practice, seek out the best teachers, develop your technique and (without knowing anything about your level of talent/technique/etc) if you can compose, work hard on that. It will benefit everything and has the most chance of residual income. If you just want to work, there are a plethora of jobs in the industry: Star, session singer, composer, composer's assistant, engineer, publicity rep, marketing associate, music supervisor...there are so many jobs in music that no one ever thinks about. Read up on the industry, especially the artists and executives that you admire. Find out what their paths were and gain that knowledge and find ways to experience it. Go to college, but if you're going to be a musician, DO NOT GRADUATE unless you've taken a personal or small business finance class. It's a crime that schools don't require that as it's the most important part of making a CAREER out of what your passion is. I wish you all the best!  PS If you're stressed out about music because you're obsessed with it, you'll have to talk to someone to make sure it's the right path for you, as it's definitely a hard one & you need a strong sense of self and a great attitude about rejection/success. But I don't think that anyone taking actions is ever a failure. You can fail to achieve specific goals, but you can't fail as a person.

Is there a fragrance that I can squirt in my mouth that can make me sound like an opera singer?

Asked by Jeanni Cox over 9 years ago

No. Vocal training is the only way to build your voice as an opera singer, or in any style of singing.