Veterinary Receptionist

Veterinary Receptionist


1 Year Experience

Gainesville, FL

Female, 23

I am currently a Veterinary Receptionist in Florida. I have had pets my whole life and have had the pleasure spending the last year being involved in pet healthcare on a public level.

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5 Questions


Last Answer on January 20, 2015

Best Rated

Are you trained to identify at a basic level what's wrong when clients come in with an emergency so that you can assess whether an animal needs to be seen by the vet immediately?

Asked by dan79 over 9 years ago

We aren't able to diagnose any cases as only a doctor can do that, but we do have to be able recognize a true emergency. For example: if there is an animal having seizures, hit by a car, has an eye injury, etc. we have to have them seen right away.

Hey, are you answering questions here? Hope you are:)

Asked by Bella over 9 years ago

Yes :)

What's the strangest animal anyone's ever brought in?

Asked by Mike over 9 years ago

We are a small animal hospital, so we mostly see dogs and cats. Occasionally we get a hermit crab, snake or rabbit but nothing too strange! We do have clients come in and ask us if we can help a (for example) hawk on the side of the road but we can't do anything but call county wildlife.

Has anyone ever brought in a pet who was literally already dead hoping there was something that could be done?

Asked by taylor about 9 years ago


How much do you help the animal-care process, or is yours mostly an administrative position?

Asked by Andi about 9 years ago