Private Detective

Private Detective


10 Years Experience

Anaheim, CA

Male, 40

Been a private eye for 10 years. The job's not for everyone. If you love odd hours sipping coffee in a dark parking lot waiting for something to happen you should definitely jump at this job immediately. I get hired by spouses, employers, insurance companies, and you name it as well. Oh...and I field a lot of very interesting phone calls that even the most seasoned defense attorneys would raise an eyebrow at.

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80 Questions


Last Answer on March 01, 2015

Hi i have a friends whos dad has a order of protection on and he calls him often. His dad never reported him but hes qorried if the cops pull his phone records hell be arrested. Is this true? What and would happen to him?

Asked by James kim almost 5 years ago


Do PIs use hearing aides to listen in on conversations and phone calls

Asked by Jimmy almost 5 years ago


Is there a person at the police department that can help me with getting rid of unwanted devices used to listen and talk in my vehicle

Asked by Lucinda sears almost 5 years ago


How can I get and debug myself and my vehicle of unapproved and unwanted spy bugs placed by other people?

Asked by Lucinda sears almost 5 years ago


Have you ever spied on a tweaker?

Asked by They have a really good right now in my order I have had been great and I have been a great person for the long wait time they have had been a lot worse than they about 5 years ago


You are a Lieutenant and have been dispatched to an active crime scene by your Chief. It is a suspected homicide in the woods. Unidentified young female with what appears to be multiple stab wounds.

You have four detectives, two sergeants and 12 officers at your disposal to secure and process the crime scene. You must assign tasks. Please keep in mind the crime scene will extend from this wooded area to any suspect’s or the victim’s; home, work, vehicle and really anywhere you have jurisdiction.

Families must be interviewed, prints run, photos taken, evidence collected. Your challenge is to manage the scene correctly.

Write out your plan here.

Asked by Nana. about 5 years ago


What are the math classes and other classes you had to take in college?

Asked by Kassi over 5 years ago