


22 Years Experience

Austin, TX

Male, 42

I've been a locksmith since 1998. I did automotive residential & commercial work from 1998 to 2008. From 2008 to 2018, I did some residential, but mostly commercial work. I have been project managing & estimating since 2018. I used to locksmith in the Chicago area, now the Austin area.

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327 Questions


Last Answer on June 24, 2022

Is it possible to open a lock using a credit card?

Asked by Mark almost 12 years ago

You can credit card a door knob or lever handle if they aren't installed correctly, & if there's enough slop in the door. Generally speaking, credit cards are too thick and stiff anyways.

Are there any common locks that you think are WAY too easy to break into and people should replace them? Kwikset comes to mind - seems like all it would take is a paper clip and a steady hand.

Asked by Becks almost 12 years ago

People getting their locks picked by burglars is very rare. What you should be more concerned about is making sure you have good strong strike plates on your jambs with long screws that go into the studs. If you're concerned about your locks being picked or drilled, then sure, buy Medeco or Mul-T-Lock deadbolts. They're awesome. They will cost you $200+ per lock. I think the majority of burglars are looking for an easier way in. Kicking the door in or breaking a window.

Is selling lock-picking tools ILLEGAL? I bought a starter set online and every website that sold them included some "novelty item only" disclaimer.

Asked by mikeC almost 12 years ago

I think if it was illegal, they probably wouldn't be able to sell them. I think they have to give that disclaimer so they can sell them legally. I never had to buy them online or sell them, so I'm no expert on the subject, that is just my opinion.

OTHER than calling a locksmith, any recommendations on what to do if I lock my keys in my car? I remember my father trying to use a coat hanger, but that only worked maybe once out of 10 times.

Asked by joanie almost 12 years ago

There are no magic tricks. No blanket recommendation for breaking in a car. Too many cars require different methods. I can give you advice on how to PREPARE for it! Either sign up for a AAA membership ($50 a year which includs 3 free car openings) OR buy a small combo lock box & install it under your car. Only takes 2 screws. Just don't screw it into your gas tank. ;-)

Best locksmith joke you ever heard?

Asked by hootie hooooooo almost 12 years ago

That's a really good question, but I honestly don't think I've ever heard a locksmith Joke! As my friend Alex would say, "I've met some locksmiths who WERE jokes!"

Is it ILLEGAL for a locksmith to make a copy of a key that says "DO NOT COPY" on it?

Asked by billhert almost 12 years ago

No, some keys that say "do not duplicate" is just a deterrent. It's simply an honor system. It's telling you that whoever gave you that key would prefer you didn't make a copy of it. It's up to the person copying it if they want to do it or not. Our shop makes you sign a waiver just to cover out butts. Other keys that say it might be covered by a patent. The blank might not even be available to them, that's called a restricted key. Mostly Medeco, Mul-T-Lock, Primus, etc, most of those are truly restricted.

Do you have any stories about locksmiths using their skills to burglarize?

Asked by Shonuff almost 12 years ago

None that I've ever heard of. I unlocked an old arcade game once so my friend could play for free! Haha