Mailman (City Letter Carrier)

Mailman (City Letter Carrier)


17 Years Experience

Long Island, NY

Male, 43

I am a City Letter Carrier for the US Postal Service in NY. I've been a city letter carrier for over 17 years and it is the best job I've ever had. I mostly work 5 days per week (sometimes includes a Saturday) and often have the opportunity for overtime, which is usually voluntary. The route I deliver has about 350 homes and I walk to each of their doors to deliver the mail. Please keep in mind that I don't have authority to speak for the USPS, so all opinions are solely mine, not my employer.

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1235 Questions


Last Answer on February 18, 2022

Why have I never seen a mailman take a break?

Asked by Eugene65 about 11 years ago

We are always on a break! Just kidding. I can't say why you don't see mailmen take a break. We are allowed a 10-minute break plus a 30-minute lunch break while we are delivering the mail. I usually take my breaks sitting in the postal vehicle. Other carriers go to restaurants or take-out for lunch. I bring my lunch to save money. I hope this answers your question. 

Have you ever witnessed a carrier intentionally tamper with mail so it is un-deliverable (like tape over the address... I think a carrier did this to my package), steal the contents, etc.? If you haven't witnessed it, do you think it's likely?

Asked by Disappointed about 11 years ago

I haven't witnessed anyone deliberately tampering with a package, though every now and then a box arrives empty, so it could have broken open in transit or tampered with. If a carrier were to do this on any regular basis, customers would become suspicious and probably call the PO. If the PO rcvd too many calls about 1 route, I imagine they'd get suspicious and look into it. Overall, I think tampering and theft is rare but I am sure it happens in such a large organization. Thank you for the question. 

I am 57, in good shape, and would be interested in being a mail carrier. I love walking. I took a sample postal exam and scored all questions correctly. Would the USPS hire a 57 year old?

Asked by Rob about 11 years ago

Thanks for your question. I believe the USPS would hire a 57 y/o as long as you can physically do the job. There can be a lot of walking depending on the type of route you have. Some neighborhoods have mailboxes at the curb and you deliver directly from a postal vehicle.

It's no secret that post offices have reputations for being insanely slow and inefficient. Does the USPS "care" about this and try and actively improve it, or is it just accepted because the public has little choice but to use their services?

Asked by Shana about 11 years ago

That is true in many offices, probably more in urban environments. I don't know if it still happens, but a supervisor sometimes does a lobby sweep to see if anyone on line can be helped without having to see a clerk. (Like picking up mail that was on hold). They employ "mystery shoppers" who come in unannounced and make notes of the efficiency and accuracy of the clerks. I think that the USPS does care about providing good customer service, but it's hard to really effect change among workers who don't care that much. I guess I am fortunate to work in a decent office where most workers do a fair job. I don't think I have thoroughly answered your q, as I don't have inside knowledge of how upper management feels about their service. 

How can I tip a PO Box mail man?

Asked by Joe Mass about 11 years ago

Good question. If the deliver to a PO Box, they are almost always a Clerk who works inside the whole day. I don't know exactly how to tip them. If you know their name, maybe you can mail a letter to them c/o of the Post Office. Hopefully it would get to him/her. 

If I add a envelope in my PO box with a popped up sticky note for the postman, would he get it next time mail went in the slot? For leaving him a tip.

Asked by Joe Mass about 11 years ago

Great idea. That should work out fine. That's actually how I give a tip to my letter carrier. I live in an apt. Building so we have a bank of mailboxes in the hallway. 

I accidentally put a regular letter into an express mail container. will my mail get through? or will, it, ugh, be returned to me?

Asked by cckk about 11 years ago

It is very likely that the mail will be delivered and not returned to you. This happens often, so don't be worried.